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#1 2017-07-21 19:57:04

Registered: 2017-07-21
Posts: 1

New User, Bugs in Linux Build/Flash Instructions?

Hi! I'm a new ProxMark3 user. I purchased a ProxMark in order to do some microcontroller RFID development of my own and have something to test/debug against. In the process of doing some setup and experimentation with the ProxMark I came across some issues, some of which I was able to solve and others which I'm still working on. Hopefully I'll be able to learn quite a bit here and also resolve some of these issues.

In particular, when building the GIT code on an Ubuntu Linux derivitive in addition to the packages specified on the wiki (I saw at least two different lists of packages there for the build environment, but that's a different story). The problem I was able to solve was that I also needed to install the "libnewlib-arm-none-eabi" package to fix a compile error about a missing stdio.h file.

The problem I was not able to solve was making the flash work in Linux. My Proxmark came with new enough firmware that it had the CDC connection and not the HID connection. However, I tried both the new and old flasher and while the new one was able to see the Proxmark on /dev/ttyACM0 and reboot it into bootloader mode it was not able to actually do the flashing, ending with the error "Sending bytes to proxmark failed" after the Proxmark reappeared. In the end I built the files on Linux and then copied the .ELF and .S19 files to Windows to do the flashing which worked just fine but it would be nice if I could get everything working in Linux.


#2 2017-07-22 13:06:43

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,518

Re: New User, Bugs in Linux Build/Flash Instructions?

Welcome and I suggest you read

You can repost your question/comment in right category now.


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