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#1 2018-12-07 23:21:28

From: GER
Registered: 2017-10-24
Posts: 32

[RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u


I own a Hitag1 and would like to use it with the RDV4. (i never noticed the hitag1 before)
But it doesn't recognize it.

pm3 --> hw tune (w/o card)
[=] measuring antenna characteristics, please wait...
[+] LF antenna: 72,94 V - 125.00 kHz         
[+] LF antenna: 39,23 V - 134.00 kHz         
[+] LF optimal: 72,94 V - 125,00 kHz         
[+] LF antenna is OK 
[+] HF antenna: 48,29 V - 13.56 MHz         
[+] HF antenna is OK           

pm3 --> hw tune (with Hitag1 Card)
[=] measuring antenna characteristics, please wait...
[+] LF antenna: 57,64 V - 125.00 kHz         
[+] LF antenna: 46,03 V - 134.00 kHz         
[+] LF optimal: 63,45 V - 127,66 kHz         
[+] LF antenna is OK 
[+] HF antenna: 40,93 V - 13.56 MHz         
[+] HF antenna is OK           

pm3 --> lf search u
NOTE: some demods output possible binary
  if it finds something that looks like a tag         
False Positives ARE possible

Checking for known tags:
[=] Signal looks just like noise. Looking for Hitag signal now.         
[-] No Data Found! - maybe not an LF tag?

Has anyone ideas how to start with it?

Other lf works well:
pm3 --> lf search u
NOTE: some demods output possible binary
  if it finds something that looks like a tag         
False Positives ARE possible

Checking for known tags:
EM410x  pattern found         

EM TAG ID      : 0000123456         

Possible de-scramble patterns         
Unique TAG ID  : 0000482C6A         
HoneyWell IdentKey {         
DEZ 8          : 01193046         
DEZ 10         : 0001193046         
DEZ 5.5        : 00018.13398         
DEZ 3.5A       : 000.13398         
DEZ 3.5B       : 000.13398         
DEZ 3.5C       : 018.13398         
DEZ 14/IK2     : 00000001193046         
DEZ 15/IK3     : 000000004729962         
DEZ 20/ZK      : 00000000040802120610         
Other          : 13398_018_01193046         
Pattern Paxton : 2519638 [0x267256]         
Pattern 1      : 4739388 [0x48513C]         
Pattern Sebury : 13398 18 1193046  [0x3456 0x12 0x123456]         
[+] Valid EM410x ID Found!

Valid T55xx Chip Found
Try `lf t55xx` commands

Thanks a lot.

Last edited by Gtpy (2018-12-07 23:23:37)


#2 2018-12-08 08:20:13

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: [RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u

That doesnt look like a Hitag..    Try the dedicated hitag commands?


#3 2018-12-08 10:31:27

From: GER
Registered: 2017-10-24
Posts: 32

Re: [RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u

iceman wrote:

That doesnt look like a Hitag..    Try the dedicated hitag commands?

We misunderstood each other.
I meant with the second part that other LF cards work.(was an T5577).

The other one, which is not recognized,
should definitely be a Hitag1 according to the manufacturer.

Any ideas on how I can best move forward with it?


#4 2019-03-10 09:18:36

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: [RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u

the hitag commands seems to not be working.


#5 2019-03-13 11:00:08

Registered: 2013-06-04
Posts: 704

Re: [RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u

Fixed in official repo. Thanks to jslawek for tracking down to the exact commit which resulted in breaking the Hitag commands.


#6 2019-03-13 11:27:17

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: [RDV4] Hitag1 - lf search u

Fixed in RRG repo.


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