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#1 2016-06-29 21:45:49

Registered: 2016-06-27
Posts: 81

flash firmware linux

I have my Proxmark3 (Elechous Rev2) now for a while and thought it would be time to try and update everything. I consider myself still a newbie on that subject with linux and the proxmark3. After reading a lot of different websites the one that worked for me is  Now thinking back this should be the page to begin with. I just followed all the steps and now I have the iceman firmware.  I thought that the FPGA should also be the same version as the OS. ( fullimage.elf = OS and HF/LF-FPGA). here the bootrom and os are the same.  Everything works fine so I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

pm3 --> hw version
[[[ Cached information ]]]
Prox/RFID mark3 RFID instrument         
bootrom: icemanmaster/v1.1.0-1341-g0a856e2-suspect 2016-06-29 19:18:31
os: icemanmaster/v1.1.0-1341-g0a856e2-suspect 2016-06-29 19:18:40
LF FPGA image built for 2s30vq100 on 2015/03/06 at 07:38:04
HF FPGA image built for 2s30vq100 on 2015/11/ 2 at  9: 8: 8

On the forum I read about yellow and red lights?!?  Mine uses only red lights (A,B,C,D) so I was not sure when to let go.
what I did was hit the command, press the button and plug it in the computer while keeping the button pressed. regardless of the colors and of the lights blinking. So in the end flashing is not that hard to do.

I don know if this is the right way to tell about a possible typo so feel free to delete or edit here below.
flasher : Usage:   ./flasher <port> [-b] image.elf [image.elf...]
on the website is written:   client/flasher -b /dev/ttyACM0 bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf
I think it should be:      client/flasher /dev/ttyACM0 -b bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf  (the port should be written first)

Maybe it is obvious for the most how to use the command but it took me a while why there was an error.
So now I am happy to be able to checkout the most advanced fork of the proxmark.


#2 2016-06-30 08:50:52

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: flash firmware linux

I agree that the Wiki is not quite so clear as needed  for the flashing procedure on different OS and different bootroms.

With the existence of PM3 device still on old HID bootrom, where you need to upgrade it with the "hid-flasher" software.
That one uses a different command parameter.

Once its upgraded, the old hid-flasher will never be used again.  Only the new flasher (for bootrom and fullimage).
Users tend to think they need the old flasher, instead of using the new flasher. This causes some confusing.

The newer Pm3 devices usually comes with the new bootrom, and should only use the new flasher.


#3 2016-07-02 19:48:55

Registered: 2016-06-27
Posts: 81

Re: flash firmware linux

Thanks for the answer. I was also doubting if I should use the hid-flasher or not.  thanks for clearing that out.
Fortunately there is a lot to read about flashing and what to do if it wasn't succesful right away so in the end I think everyone will succeed.


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